Sunday, July 7, 2013

Essential Orange Oil - Citrus Secrets

Happy Sunday Chicago! I am writing because I have learned some things that have WOWed me about essential orange oil. Not only is it brightening and cheering but it has an assortment of other benefits as well.

It helps with nervous tension and insomnia.

It helps with digestive unease, i.e. constipation, abdominal spasms, and diarrhea.

It helps normalize blood pressure and circulation. It also helps the lymphatic system do its job and dispel any water we are retaining.

Last but not least, it helps us prevent and deal with colds especially when  mixed with winter spices such as cinnamon and clove which are warming oils.

I recently made some bath salts with orange oil. They have made my living room smell amazing and I felt so energized by the time I finished with this batch.

I have a whole assortment of bath and body products coming out with essential orange, tangerine, and other citrus blends. It is not only great for summer but will be great in winter too when we need some help to get us out of the house and moving on with our day!

Please look forward to more video uploads of different smoothie recipes and some bath and body recipes as well.

I love you Chicago!!

Enjoy your Sunday and get ready for a great week ahead of us,

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